We know what it's like to suffer with pain, because we suffer with it too.
How much time do we really spend telling our healthcare provider the details about our pain? What if they could look at a report and get it all faster?
Living with chronic pain, that's the challenge. We suffer with chronic pain yet we often go through our day with our "happy" face on.
The Pain Analysis Research Group is a group of people dedicated to helping people who suffer with chronic pain. We know what it's like to suffer with pain, because we suffer with it too.
Our Mission is to provide pain sufferers with an accessible, user friendly program to help track Pain symptoms. It's tough enough being a chronic pain sufferer, so we're here to help provide you with tracking results that your healthcare provider understands. That way together, you can find a better way manage your chronic pain.
My Pain Map is the place to start. It will help provide you with reports your healthcare provider can quickly look at. These reports will detail when, where and how bad your pain has been. You won't have to try to remember how bad your pain was 2 weeks ago. It will be in the report.
More accurate details about your pain may help you and your healthcare provider find better ways to help you manage your pain. The better you and your healthcare provider understands the pain you have, the better you'll be able to discuss and track treatments to help your pain.
It's all about communication between pain sufferers and our healthcare providers. We need better communication because the healthcare providers don't usually understand what we are trying to tell them. Maybe it's because they are too busy to listen. Or maybe it's because they truly are not understanding what we are trying to tell them.
Healthcare providers are a vitale part of a patients regime to help understand and manage their chronic pain. But as a healthcare provider, it is often a challenge to understand exactly what patients are going through.
Patients don't always remember their pain, and sometimes under or over emphasize pain that happened weeks ago. Now there's a better way to quickly see how the pain is progressing. Getting information faster means more time can be spent discussing treatment options.
Chronic pain is, well .... a pain! It's a pain to live with. Finding any way that helps us to understand and manage our pain is a good thing. Being proactive in finding out how we can manage our pain is a big step in learning details about our pain. If we can discover things that trigger our pain, then we can take steps to avoid that trigger. And ultimately maybe we can reduce the our pain.
We often go through our day putting on our "happy" face. We struggle to be and act "normal". Our co-workers don't know what it's like. We do the same job while enduring chronic pain. Our friends and family know we have pain, but they don't really understand how much. Because we hide it, even from them.
Support is necessary and appreciated. Support is more than acknowledging our pain. It's doing things to help us manage and track our pain.